We have specialized in eminent domain for over fifteen years, allowing us to develop close connections with well-respected experts and consultants such as appraisers, surveyor, and engineers that all work together to ensure cases are settled quickly and efficiently while maximizing the amount the property owner receives.
Meet Attorney Keenya T. Justice
With more than a decade of eminent domain experience, a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and an undergraduate degree in finance, I can help you navigate this complex process.
Eminent domain cases are like puzzles. I gather all of the property-specific facts and relevant law and begin to see how the pieces fit together to maximize my clients’ compensation and achieve their goals. I understand how taking just a sliver of land can impact the value of the owner’s remaining property. Understanding what my clients are facing means that I comprehend their circumstances, their goals and I know how to best to help them. I offer skilled representation that allows me to navigate efficiently and effectively through the condemnation process, and I do my best to reduce the impact it has on individuals, business owners, churches and nonprofit organizations.
Beyond the legal issues and the process, it is important to know your adversary and the different people who play a part of the process, from right-of-way agents who are the point of contact for property owners to lawyers in the Attorney General’s Office who represent the Department of Transportation (DOT). Over the course of my career, I have come to know all of the involved parties and they know my reputation for securing positive results for my client.
After over a decade of working exclusively on eminent domain and condemnation cases, I know the DOT’s practices and policies as well as their politics and personnel. Because of that, I can often get things done in a more efficient manner than attorneys who do not regularly deal with the DOT and/or attorneys who charge by the hour because efficiency does not work in their favor. Also, knowing the statutes and case law and the DOT’s tactics makes me better able to anticipate what they will do and has earned The Justice Firm, LLC, a statewide reputation with the DOT.
Meet Attorney Keenya T. Justice
With more than a decade of eminent domain experience, a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and an undergraduate degree in finance, I can help you navigate this complex process.
Eminent domain cases are like puzzles. I gather all of the property-specific facts and relevant law and begin to see how the pieces fit together to maximize my clients’ compensation and achieve their goals. I understand how taking just a sliver of land can impact the value of the owner’s remaining property. Understanding what my clients are facing means that I comprehend their circumstances, their goals and I know how to best to help them. I offer skilled representation that allows me to navigate efficiently and effectively through the condemnation process, and I do my best to reduce the impact it has on individuals, business owners, churches and nonprofit organizations.
Beyond the legal issues and the process, it is important to know your adversary and the different people who play a part of the process, from right-of-way agents who are the point of contact for property owners to lawyers in the Attorney General’s Office who represent the Department of Transportation (DOT). Over the course of my career, I have come to know all of the involved parties and they know my reputation for securing positive results for my client.
After over a decade of working exclusively on eminent domain and condemnation cases, I know the DOT’s practices and policies as well as their politics and personnel. Because of that, I can often get things done in a more efficient manner than attorneys who do not regularly deal with the DOT and/or attorneys who charge by the hour because efficiency does not work in their favor. Also, knowing the statutes and case law and the DOT’s tactics makes me better able to anticipate what they will do and has earned The Justice Firm, LLC, a statewide reputation with the DOT.